Why not?!?........because your cake kills!!!

Morning Edition had a little piece today about hybrid vehicles in Kalifornia. Apparently, hybrids getting 45 mpg or greater can use the car pool lane, even if there is only one occupant. Finally, some real world incentives! The "A" students are reaping some benefits! The national energy bill, just passed, may undo the justice. Some asshole interviewed for the piece states that the Federal statutes may overrule the state's more stringent requirements, allowing the Ford Escape "hybrid" and the Lexus "hybrid" in the fast moving lanes! You want to own an SUV?!? You want your precious Lexus?!? Well, don't complain about getting stuck in traffic, jackass!! Let the folks who are making an effort to significantly reduce their environmental impact have their traffic free lanes and be done with it. If you get in that lane with your 29 mpg Ford Escape Hybrid (a 50% increase in fuel efficiency from the standard Escape) you should be shot. My Nissan Sentra Crapmobile gets better fuel economy and I wouldn't get in there, so stay out.
Hopefully, those of you who can afford or even find a decent hybrid out there are actually car pooling when you are in those lanes, 'cause we wouldn't want a bunch of rich, wannabe hippies abusing the priviledge, would we?
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