12 March 2006

People still use IE!!!!

Without having access to Blogger at work, I find it very difficult to keep current with these blogs of mine. My inspired ideas and creative spark manifest during work hours for some reason. I did figure out why the Kentucky Tai Chi Chuan Center website has always given me such trouble, however. It turns out that the site is optimized for Internet Explorer!!!
Could it be that this still occurs?!? Arrrgh! One of the best Tai Chi lineages in the country on my doorstep and their website caters to those still in the dark ages?!? Frustrating.
With that said, Kentucky is lucky to have this center here. Their lineage is sterling and Bill Wojasinski is an excellent instructor. I'm currently studying the 103 posture form and it is brilliant.


Blogger jacquez said...

Dude...there is a new extension in Firefox that allows you to open a new tab in IE. Pretty cool. I wish I was taking Tai Chi. I don't even do yoga anymore.

12/3/06 13:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are others besides IE?

I kid I kid preach on brotha.

15/3/06 08:50  
Blogger jacquez said...

Where you at!?!?

4/4/06 11:04  

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