what's so special about Dooce?!?

Dooce said this.....Dooce said that.....
You all do know that her seemingly innocent candor and raw insights are nothing more than her schtick, right?!?
Wake up. So she's attractive. So she lost her job because of her blogging. Big deal!
She lives in fucking Utah, people......voluntarily, as her husband recently put it.
Yes, it's true I have her site bookmarked; and yes, I do envy her for having a better camera than I do; and yes, she did graduate valedictorian of her high school and she possesses a witty and cunning intellect....
But she makes regular references to bodily functions, for cryin' out loud! The shock value of that shit is sooooo played out!
Heather, baby, I'm not suggestin' that I'm going to stop reading your stuff, but tell your fans to stop talking about you incessantly. Please. It makes working with lonely geeks nearly unbearable.
Oh, and if you want to mention me on your blog, that would be a cool traffic boost.
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